The best thing about spending a little time at home, is spending a little time with yourself, and a few of your favorite things.
A little lavender bubble bath, some coconut milk, a few rose petals, a drop or two of honey, and a little candle to help open your heart chakra.
The Divine Miss Shakti is a force for all that is feminine, and powerful in all that is true and real.
No doubt she found her way to Cleopatra.
And to you.
The world was a little quieter then, but still as sacred as it ever was.
A little self-care, and a little time to listen.
Everything that you have ever felt, is a part of you, and felt for a reason.
Embrace every ounce of it, and bathe it in rose petals, milk, and honey.
"Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners." ---William Shakespeare
Happy meditating,