The High Priestess

I am not really sure how to do this tonight, I have had this crazy writer’s block for some time. 

Sometimes life is just so full of things, and so many things we are not sure how to take, and it can be hard to find the beauty in them, but deep down, there is nothing but beauty in all of them.  

Hemingway once said, 'The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them'. 

I never asked for easy, I asked for true and real. 

And I keep wondering what the lesson is in all of this, that took this yogi girl, so far off her road. So wondering if she trusts it, any of it. 

And then I realized, it is my road.  

 However uncertain, however much I have no answers, that is when you are truly in the most sacred of places.  

We breathe, we let go, and we know.  

We are made of instinct and soul, very much the same, and they translate into numbers and words, but all it really is, 

is THIS and US.  

Under this Hunter’s moon, 

In this October sky.

And I never doubted my trust in the Universe for a minute, but for the rest of it, 

Dear Hemingway,

 I do know how to sit down and write it and bleed. 

Happy meditating, 


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